Another personal blog. Around this time last year I got into doing wood carving when I was out of work and my mother suggested I take some old derelict barn wood and do some kitchy signs and whatnot that could be sold in her farm store. Sadly, before that could really take off, I wound up getting a job, even more sadly, one that had almost eaten all the time I had to wood work.
Then just recently on a day off I was poking around the garage and found a choice piece of rosey wood, and spent a good hour contemplating what I wanted to put on it. Being an avid gamer, my first instinct was to find something relevant to my interests. A logo or something. Being an even bigger fan of Bethesda Softwork's Elder Scrolls series, I decided to opt for what is commonly now known as the Skyrim logo.
The symbol is known as the Seal of Akatosh or The Imperial Dragon, and if I am remembering correctly, it first showed up around imperial bases in TES 3- Morrowind, before becoming the cover icon for TES 5- Skyrim.
Little bit of gaming trivia for you.
The second photo is the first one I did. Not very deep, as I would have liked, but it WAS a rather thin piece of wood so I didn't want to push my luck. Minutes after posting a picture of my efforts on facebook, a friend asked if she could have one, and how much it would cost her. I told her twenty dollars, to cover labor and everything. By lunchtime I'd found a decent piece, drawn the pattern, and by 4pm that afternoon, I had the first image you see above, which I feel is a better, more accurate rendition of the iconic image.
At my friends recommendation, I tossed the pictures up on the Phoenix Comic Con facebook group, and the response has been positive. I've even offered to do up some for people if interested once I get some fresh material, having used my last two good pieces for what you see.
Even have some friends curious if I might do other woodwork for them. It feels good getting back into an artistic swing of things.
Though I hope Bethesda is cool with me making these.